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5 Tips to Optimize Landing Page Videos and Make Patients Convert

If you want your practice to stand apart from every other practice in your market, chances are you should be using video.

The stats surrounding video are powerful: marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users, and 51% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI.

What’s more, video drives a 157% increase in organic traffic from Search Engine Results Pages – it’s clear that video is a powerful tool when it comes to marketing your ophthalmic practice. But how can you make your videos as effective as possible? In this article, we’ll explore 5 tips to help you optimize your video production efforts.

Keep it short

Video provider Wistia found that videos up to seconds in length had a much higher drop off rate than videos from 30 to 60 seconds in length. The longer the video, the shorter the engagement rate. While average patients watch approximately 81% of a 30 second video, there’s a huge drop-off after that point, as viewers will only watch approximately 62% of a 90 second video. To combat this, strive to keep the length of your videos to 45 seconds or less.

Limit copy around your video

The more choices people have, the longer they take to make a decision – this is a phenomenon called analysis paralysis. If watching your video is the main action you’d like for prospective patients to take on your landing page, then avoid distracting them with other options.

Put your video front and center

Research has shown that videos placed on the top and center of landing pages outperform videos on the bottom of the page: a video across the top of a page received a 32% higher conversion rate than the variation with the video on the bottom right.

There’s a reason that popular video sites like YouTube and Vimeo place videos front and center to not allow users to get distracted by other elements of the page. Your ophthalmic practice may want to take a page from their book and do the same on your website.

Add post-video action buttons

Another powerful way to get users to take action after watching a video is to add post-video action buttons with subtle animations to induce action from your patients.

If you’re using a video hosting service like Vimeo, you can choose for your video to display a button, additional videos, or even a link to another webpage after the video has finished playing. This animated cue can be a powerful tool in getting your patients to take action after watching a video, and can increase your marketing ROI.

Optimize your video for SEO

Research has shown that it’s more than fifty times easier to reach page one of Google search results with a video than with a web page. This could be because many businesses are neglecting to optimize their videos properly…and if competition for video is lower, there are simple ways to increase your ROI.

Creating clear keywords, titles, and descriptions for your landing page video can give you a better chance of hitting that top spot on Google. Additionally, creating a video sitemap – a text document embedded with links to your specific videos – will help Google find and index your videos.

We hope these tips help you optimize the videos your ophthalmic practice uses on its landing pages – by making some subtle changes, you can drastically increase your conversion rates and your marketing ROI.

Curious about creating a promotional video for your practice? Learn more about Messenger’s video production services today.

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