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The Messenger Healthcare Marketing Blog

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | How to Build a Website for Practice Growth

How to Build a Website for Practice Growth

If you’re planning to build a new website (or redesign an existing one) for your oph- thalmology practice, you need to begin by understanding a somewhat inconvenient truth: most websites don’t work. That’s the assertion of Hubspot (the inbound marketing software giant) in their article

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | 8 Tips to Improve Your Ophthalmic Practice Marketing

8 Tips to Improve Your Ophthalmic Practice Marketing

To improveshowcase your services and capabilities, but also illustrate your commitment to providing the highest quality of care to your patients. Developing a comprehensive marketing plan like this may seem like an intimidating undertaking for some ophthalmologists or practice administrators, especially those who lack experience,

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | Unraveling the Mysteries of SEO

Unraveling the Mysteries of SEO

If you have a website, you have undoubtedly been introduced to three magic letters: SEO, short for search engine optimization. Understanding and harnessing the power of SEO is like the modern-day Holy Grail of the web: It is elusive, and few people are on the

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | Healthcare Marketing Done Right: A Microphone, Not a Megaphone

Healthcare Marketing Done Right: A Microphone, Not a Megaphone

This is the third of a five-part series, originally published on MillennialEYE. Ah, marketing: one of the most misunderstood words in the English language. When uttered, it may evoke mental images of used car salesmen, flashy neon lights on the Vegas Strip, or even commercials featuring talkative camels.

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | The Power of Designing a Patient-Centered Practice

The Power of Designing a Patient-Centered Practice

This is the second of a five-part series, originally published on MillennialEYE. What is Design? When we think of the word design, many people think of architecture, graphic design, or the consumer products we use every day. But whether we realize it or not, design is

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | It’s Time to Rethink Your Healthcare Brand Strategy

It’s Time to Rethink Your Healthcare Brand Strategy

This is the first of a five-part series, originally published on MillennialEYE. Everywhere we go, we’re inundated by brands. With the rise of brands on social media, the prevalence of advertising, and the use of ads to monetize everything we see online, traditional marketing is nearly