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The Messenger Healthcare Marketing Blog

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | How to Write a Blog Post: One Simple Formula

How to Write a Blog Post: One Simple Formula

Unless you’re brand new to content creation, you’ve probably heard the phrase, “Content is King.” One of the best types of content to publish is a blog post. Without an active and healthy blog, your SEO will tank, you’ll have very little to say on

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | How Patients See Your Website [Infographic]

How Patients See Your Website [Infographic]

While potential patients users may enter your website from a variety of different sources, there’s one thing that’s certain – you need them to stay. After all, what good is your website if users only stay for a few seconds and then leave? In order

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | The Biggest Lie about Social Media

The Biggest Lie about Social Media

Let’s face it: social media has much of the ophthalmology world confused. At first glance it might seem like an embarrassing thing to admit, but it’s really not. So many ophthalmologists have personal profiles on popular social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, but they

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | The Unseen Risk Hiding in Your Website

The Unseen Risk Hiding in Your Website

When it comes to our marketing, our websites are often treated like cars: change the oil every 3 months, but unless something breaks or a problems arises, they usually require fairly little maintenance, right? Wrong. The Internet moves a little faster than the automotive industry.

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | Marketing: Not the Four-Letter Word You Think It Is

Marketing: Not the Four-Letter Word You Think It Is

When many people think of marketing, they conjure up images of salespeople, false advertising, cold calls, and annoying popups on websites. But marketing, in its most pure form, is none of these things. Marketing is a powerful force to be reckoned with…when it is done

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | The Patient is *Not* Always Right

The Patient is *Not* Always Right

Leveraging the Power of Physician Review Sites The age of the Internet has brought about online reviews for just about everything – products bought on Amazon, restaurants, bars, professional services, and of course, medical practices. By the democratization of the review process, patients no longer

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | How Ophthalmologists Can Reach Millennials

How Ophthalmologists Can Reach Millennials

Who are millennials, and why do they matter anyway? It seems that seldom can we go a day without news of how the millennial generation is interacting with their world in a new way. From advertising to social media to the “new normal” of online

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | The Do's and Don'ts of Social Media for Doctors

The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media for Doctors

Social media is an incredibly powerful tool, but when it comes to utilizing it in the medical field, certain rules apply. Here are some best practices for successfully using social media as a doctor: DO be on multiple platforms. Different audiences are on different platforms, so