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Tag: Medical Search Engine Optimization

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | How to Hire a Healthcare SEO Agency: What to Look For

How to Hire a Healthcare SEO Agency: What to Look For

Many doctors understand the importance of Search Engine Optimization – or have at least been told they should consider it – but they don’t know where to begin. In this episode, we’ll show you how to successfully hire a healthcare SEO agency to skyrocket your practice to the top of Page 1.

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | Unearthing the Mystery of Search Engine Optimization

Unearthing the Mystery of Search Engine Optimization

If you have a website, you’ve undoubtedly heard those 3 magic letters a million times: SEO. Search Engine Optimization. Understanding (and utilizing) the power of SEO is like the modern-day Holy Grail of the web. But so many people don’t understand it, and if you’ve spent any time on the

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | Is Your Practice Ready for Google’s Page Speed Update?

Is Your Practice Ready for Google’s Page Speed Update?

Last week, Google announced a major change to their search engine ranking algorithm that will penalize those website that load most slowly by moving them down in search results. While it has long been suspected that Google favors websites that load quickly, this is the first public announcement that the

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | How to Use SEO to Attract More Patients to Your Practice

How to Use SEO to Attract More Patients to Your Practice

If you’re interested in attracting more patients to your ophthalmic practice, then you need to have the right marketing tools in your arsenal. This includes content marketing, social media, PR, and of course, SEO. SEO is always changing – it’s estimated that Google makes between 500-600 changes to their algorithm