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The Messenger Healthcare Marketing Blog

Messenger healthcare marketing | healthcare marketing and covid-19: what you need to know

Healthcare Marketing and COVID-19: What You Need to Know

We’re living in unprecedented times. In this special episode of the Medical Marketing Podcast, we’ll explore healthcare marketing and COVID-19 – what you can do to maintain your practice’s presence to emerge from the other side of COVID-19 stronger than before.

Messenger healthcare marketing | healthcare marketing trends and ideas for 2020

Healthcare Marketing Trends and Ideas for 2020

Healthcare is a dynamic, fast-moving industry – and so is healthcare marketing. If you want to stay ahead of the curve and attract more patients this year, here are several healthcare marketing trends and ideas to market your private practice in 2020 and beyond.

Messenger healthcare marketing | let's talk about brand touchpoints

Let’s Talk About Brand Touchpoints

They say you never get a second chance to make a first impression – and that’s just as true with your practice brand as it is with people. This week, we’ll talk about brand touchpoints – and how physicians can make the most out of every patient opportunity.