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Tag: Patient Experience

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | Survey Results: How Patients Look for Healthcare in 2021

Survey Results: How Patients Look for Healthcare in 2021

As a doctor, you make a lot of assumptions about your patients and their experience. But do you know what your patients really want? This week on the Medical Marketing Podcast, we’ll take a look at survey results to show you how you can improve your practice to deliver exceptional

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | How to Brand a New Medical Practice: Tips, Tactics, and Tools

How to Brand a New Medical Practice: Tips, Tactics, and Tools

Branding a new medical practice is an important first step in ensuring customer loyalty, patient satisfaction, and positive word of mouth referrals. A strong brand can help patients easily identify you and your practice as the “go-to” for exceptional care. You want to make sure that prospective patients think about

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | The 4 Most Important 2021 Healthcare Marketing Trends

The 4 Most Important 2021 Healthcare Marketing Trends

If there’s one word that could be used to describe 2020 in a nutshell, it’s “unprecedented.” 2020 was an unprecedented year for the entire world – no business or industry was immune from the effects of COVID-19 or the changes it brought to our way of life. And healthcare was

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | Ethical Marketing and Advertising in Ophthalmology

Ethical Marketing and Advertising in Ophthalmology

Competition is on the rise in healthcare. Especially as reimbursements decrease for many ophthalmic procedures, more ophthalmologists are turning to marketing to attract more patients, increase revenue, and stay competitive. Many ophthalmologists rely on marketing agencies rather than performing marketing activities in-house, and it’s all to easy for physicians to

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | Why all ophthalmic practices should be more like Tesla

Why all ophthalmic practices should be more like Tesla

A Look at a High-Touch, Relational Approach to Patient Experience In our last post, we looked at the value of using a psychological concept called priming to attract and retain more satisfied patients at your ophthalmic practice. While priming and other psychological tactics are powerful, they can’t stand on their

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | Use Psychology to Get More Satisfied Patients

Use Psychology to Get More Satisfied Patients

Your practice is built around your patients. If you want your practice to grow in stature and reputation, you have every reason to want not only more patients, but more satisfied patients as well. Fortunately, there are many ways to obtain more patients. Many of these involve awareness, outreach campaigns,

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | What Makes a Practice Website Effective?

What Makes a Practice Website Effective?

You’d be hard-pressed to find an ophthalmologist in 2018 who doesn’t have a website. However, upon further inspection, you might suspect that many in the medical community don’t care about their website or online reputation: their website isn’t responsive, pages are out of date, it’s hard to navigate…the problems can

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | Ophthalmology Digital Marketing Trends Forecast for 2018

Ophthalmology Digital Marketing Trends Forecast for 2018

If you want to attract more patients to your ophthalmic practice, you have to know which methods of marketing will give you the best return on investment. This isn’t just about doing what’s cool or trendy in marketing right now – it’s about choosing the right mix of messages, tools,

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | Are your website’s images hurting you?

Are your website’s images hurting you?

We’ve all heard it said that an image is worth a thousand words. It’s an old phrase, but it’s never been more relevant than with today’s websites and search engine optimization techniques. As an ophthalmology practice, you need to make sure that prospective patients visiting your website have a pleasant