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Medical Marketing Podcast

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | Avoid These SEO Mistakes

Avoid These SEO Mistakes

SEO can be confusing, and like everything with a steep learning curve, you’re bound to make some mistakes. In this episode, we’ll show you how to avoid the most costly and most common SEO mistakes most people make.

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | Common SEO Myths, Explained

Common SEO Myths, Explained

In our last episode, we examined the fundamentals of SEO. But we also saw how SEO is a constantly-changing game, a world in which rumors, gamification, and outright lies abound. So in this episode, we’ll debunk some of the most common myths about SEO and introduce some best practices to help vault your practice to Page 1 instead.

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | What is SEO, Anyway?

What is SEO, Anyway?

SEO: one of the most confusing topics in digital marketing today. Rumors and misconceptions abound – is SEO really important? Should I be paying for SEO, or should I try to do it myself? What is SEO in the first place? In this episode, we’ll set the record straight about the fundamentals of SEO.

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | Is Blogging a Waste of Time?

Is Blogging a Waste of Time?

Blogging has been around since the 90s, and billions of people read blogs every month. Blogging is a great way to share our thoughts and experiences, and every marketer knows the power of great content. But how do you draw the line between a personal and professional brand as a physician? And what about HIPAA concerns? This week, we look at a question many physicians are asking: is blogging a waste of time?

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | Why Your Website Needs to be FAST

Why Your Website Needs to be FAST

Having a pretty practice website isn’t enough. These days, if your website isn’t blazingly fast, you’ll lose potential patients…and Google won’t be happy, either. In this episode, we learn why speed is one of the most important investments you can make in your practice.

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | Five Critical Practice Website Mistakes to Avoid

Five Critical Practice Website Mistakes to Avoid

Most physicians in private practice claim to know how important their website is. But too many doctors make the same mistakes with their practice websites over and over – mistakes that are holding them back from more patients and more revenue. Are you one of them?

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | Patient Experience and Your Website: Are Patients Satisfied?

Patient Experience and Your Website: Are Patients Satisfied?

Physicians love to talk about the patient experience. It’s become a trending topic of conversation in recent years—and rightly so. From appointment scheduling to the visit itself, the friendliness of the staff to the ease of the billing process, all physicians want to deliver an outstanding experience for their patients. But there’s one thing we’re missing…

Messenger Healthcare Marketing | The Essential Elements of a Practice Website

The Essential Elements of a Practice Website

Every doctor has a website. But not all websites are created equal. In this week’s episode, we take a look at the essential features of a great practice website, how to utilize your website to the fullest, and how you can set your practice website apart from the rest.

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